Running Homebrew as root is extremely dangerous and no longer supported. As Homebrew does not drop privileges on installation you would be giving all build scripts full access to your system. 网上查询后说是需要 /usr/local

Running mysqld as root MariaDB should never normally be run as the system's root user (this is unrelated to the MariaDB root user). If it is, any user with the FILE privilege can create or modify any files on the server as root. Docker is running as root always on host. Even if run as other user with docker permissions is very easy to escalate to root with the "chroot trick". Anyway, having apps containerized is a good option. To clear, systemd system services run as root by default, but there is still a difference between the default behavior and running a system service with User=root. As documented in Environment variables in spawned processes , these variables are only set if User= is set: Jan 06, 2020 · A lot of those tools back then either required root access to run or ran better when ran as root. With this operating system that would be ran from a CD, never be updated, and had a lot of tools that needed root access to run it was a simple decision to have a “everything as root” security model. It made complete sense for the time.

Determine project root from a running node.js …

2010-8-1 · HTTP ServerIdeally, this also needs to be installed as root and run under a special web server account. As long 博客访问: 840569 博文数量: 237 博客积分: 6445 博客等级: 准将 技术积分: 2488

Sep 27, 2017 · Running Other Containers As Non-Root Users. Docker images are designed to be portable, and it’s normal to pull other images from Docker Hub to use. Some of these (official images) will follow

Kubernetes安装报错总结_ITPUB博客 2019-2-16 · 1/1 Running 0 92m coredns-5644d7b6d9-pzr7g 1/1 Running 0 92m [root@k8s01 ~]# 8.在k8s集群中apiserver占用很高的CPU资源,导致频繁重启。 [root@ecsmaster01 ~]# kubectl get nodes The connection to the server 172.31