The Proposed EU E-Privacy Regulation - Blockchain & E

The new draft ePrivacy Regulation changes on digital marketing Nov 15, 2019 E-Privacy Regulation I CMS Vienna The fol­low­ing derog­a­tions ex­ist: pub­licly avail­able data is only pro­tec­ted un­der the Data Pro­tec­tion Act 2018, if it is not used for his­tor­ic­al re­search pur­poses or stat­ist­ic­al pur­poses (Sec­tion 7 DPA); provid­ing ad­dresses to in­form and in­ter­view data sub­ject re­quires no … The Proposed EU E-Privacy Regulation - Blockchain & E According to the GDPR, you have different options for legal grounds that you can rely on in order to process personal data lawfully. And the most important one according to the GDPR is consent and the so-called legitimate interest, which means that this is a very flexible approach and that depends very much on the risk level of the certain purpose or processing of data. Privacy and Electronic Communications Directive 2002

The new ePrivacy regulation - Data privacy - KPMG Ireland

Beyond the GDPR: here comes the EU's ePrivacy regulation Aug 25, 2018

The ePrivacy Regulation: The Next European Initiative in

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is the most comprehensive data protection legislation that has been passed by any governing body to this point. However, throughout its’ 88 pages, it only mentions cookies directly once, in Recital 30.