Note: Do not make substantive changes to this document without consulting Benjamin Smedberg or one of the build-config peersThis document details how to configure Firefox builds. Most of the time a mozconfig file is not required. The default options are the most well-supported, so it is preferable to add as few options as possible.

Kconfig make config — The Linux Kernel documentation 2020-7-22 · Kconfig make config¶ This file contains some assistance for using make *config. Use “make help” to list all of the possible configuration targets. The xconfig (‘qconf’), menuconfig (‘mconf’), and nconfig (‘nconf’) programs also have embedded help text. Be sure to check that for navigation, search, and other general help text. 轻量i3wm配置使用笔记 -- 主题切换器(j4-make … 轻量i3wm配置使用笔记 -- 主题切换器(j4-make-config) 快速切换主题 j4-make-config介绍: j4-make-config脚本可以方便地在几组“主题”之间切换,还可以根据当前工作的环境,轻松地从几个不同的配置部分组合一个完整的配置。 主题特性: 边框样式:风格配色


[config]关于make *config - BBSMAX 2017-5-2 · [config]关于make *config 最近在编译uboot和kernel,二者的编译都有make *_defconfig的用法,而以前都是make menuconfig然后再make, 对于现在这种用法还不太了解,网上查了下,有人给出 如下解释: 如果.config不存在,运行make config/menuconfig时的缺省 GNU make 2020-1-17 · 1 Overview of make. The make utility automatically determines which pieces of a large program need to be recompiled, and issues commands to recompile them. This manual describes GNU make, which was implemented by Richard Stallman and Roland McGrath.Development since Version 3.76 has been handled by Paul D. Smith. GNU make conforms to section 6.2 of IEEE Standard …

2012-7-17 · 其实,.config就是将执行make menuconfig后,对配置项的修改保存到一个文件中而已。如果没有.config时,make menuconfig 会按照默认值来显示。 三.配置的必要性 在下载linux内核的时候,应该注意到了linux内核一般都很大,大概有70-80MB。这么大的内核

config(Web配置命令)_百度百科 2006-2-18 · web容器在初始化时使用一个ServletConfig(即config)对象向JSP页面传递信息,此配置信息包括初始化参数(在当前Web应用的应用部署描述文件web.xml中定义)以及表示Servlet或JSP页面所属Web应用的ServletContext对象。