Net neutrality in the United States - Wikipedia

Censorship will become policy. Net Neutrality is too important to lose." Ready yourself for the inevitable results! According to Michael Hiltzik, Net neutrality is dead. Bow to Comcast and Verizon, your overlords. "In the U.S., there's no practical competition. The vast majority of households essentially have a single broadband option, their What is net neutrality and why it matters | USA News | Al "Open internet" advocates fear an end to net neutrality will lead to censorship and increased costs for internet connectivity. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) plans to vote on ending The Censoring Left: ‘Net Neutrality’ for Thee - Not for Me Jun 08, 2020

“Without Net Neutrality, ISPs will be able to devise new schemes to charge users more for access and services, making it harder for us to communicate online – and easier for companies to censor our speech.” Corporate gatekeepers will control “where you go and what you see.”

Net Neutrality and Civil Rights Groups: Censorship and

Enormous amounts of data are consumed without compensation. When the internet was first …

While net neutrality might be an abstract and complicated issue, privacy is not lost on the American people. A meager 24 percent of the public thinks tech companies “do enough to protect the Net Neutrality Is Not About Censorship | The Tracinski Letter