The C library function FILE *fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode) opens the filename pointed to, by filename using the given mode. Following is the declaration for fopen() function. This function returns a FILE pointer. Otherwise, NULL is returned and the global variable errno is set to

The fopen_s function opens the file that's specified by filename. _wfopen_s is a wide-character version of fopen_s; the arguments to _wfopen_s are wide-character strings. _wfopen_s and fopen_s behave identically otherwise. MATLAB ® reserves file identifiers 0, 1, and 2 for standard input, standard output (the screen), and standard error, respectively. If fopen cannot open the file, explain_fopen const char *explain_fopen(const char *path, const char *mode); EINVAL The mode provided to fopen(), fdopen(), or freopen() was invalid. The fopen(), fdopen() and freopen() functions may also fail and set errno for any of the errors specified for the routine malloc(3). The fopen() function may also fail and set errno for any of the errors specified for the routine open(2).

My problem is that fopen gives -1 most of the time and so I cannot even open the file. However I have just recently found by running the program a few times on the same file that sometimes fopen gives -1 and sometimes it gives a valid id and the conversion goes through

FOPEN function. This function opens a file for input or output. The file location must be an accessible directory, as defined in the instance's initialization parameter UTL_FILE_DIR. The complete directory path must already exist; it is not created by FOPEN. FOPEN returns a file handle, which must be used in all subsequent I/O operations on the

ORA-07391: sftopn: fopen error, unable to open text file Answer / karan. YES THIS IS RIGHT ,BECAUSE WHERE U WANT TO MAKE A PFILE FIRST CHECK THE PERMISSION ON

char * strerror ( int errnum ); Get pointer to error message string. Interprets the value of errnum, generating a string with a message that describes the error FOPEN function. This function opens a file for input or output. The file location must be an accessible directory, as defined in the instance's initialization parameter UTL_FILE_DIR. The complete directory path must already exist; it is not created by FOPEN. FOPEN returns a file handle, which must be used in all subsequent I/O operations on the Jan 06, 2013 · Once again you need to read the documentation for the functions you are trying to use, rather than guessing at the parameters. You are using the addressof operator on your array names in your scanf statements, which is wrong. If I'm not mistaken, fopen isn't required to set errno if it fails. (Though most implementations that attempt to provide nonzero QoI do arrange for it to be set usefully.) The C fopen() function is used to open an existing file or create a new one. The C11 version of the fopen() and fopen_s() functions provides a mode flag, x, that provides the mechanism needed to determine if the file that is to be opened exists. Not using this mode flag can lead to a program overwriting or accessing an unintended file. The FOPEN function opens an external file for reading or updating and returns a file identifier value that is used to identify the open file to other functions. You must associate a fileref with the external file before calling the FOPEN function. FOPEN returns a 0 if the file could not be opened.